M&A Integration Masterclass

Learn How to Create a Solid and Highly Effective M&A Integration Design and Plan Every Single Time

This 6-week course that follows our own designed "Learning path" created on the basis of  25+ years of experience and research.

And based on 5+ key industry-leading FRAMEWORKs required of any M&A Integration including Resources-Pathways Framework, Haspeslagh-Jemison Integration Model, Greiner's Growth Model, Edgar Schein's Organizational Culture and Cameron-Quinn's Competing Values Leadership framework

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Everything You Are Going To Get
  • Instant Access To 6-weeks Masterclass Video Course (Normal Value $497)
For Just $97

That is 80%+ discount! 

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $37: Want to understand how I conduct LIVE Workshops on Communication and Culture for any transformation project? These are proven methods and all you have to do is watch the LIVE workshop, and you’ll be ready to conduct your OWN workshops. Click YES to add this to your order now for just $37! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

ONE TIME OFFER - ONLY $59: Want a copy of all SLIDES from each lesson as a reference, deepen your knowledge through EXERCISES, and TEST your skills through a CASE-STUDY? Then this additional offer will be a great value-add for you. These are based on proven methods and real examples. And once you have done the exercise and the case study, you’ll be able to design your own integration effectively every single time. Click YES to add this to your order now for just $59! (These documents are not available on ANY other platform)

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